I help individuals achieve higher levels of success professionally and personally. Coaching is based on accountability which is the foundation that creates results.

supply chain business speaker

 Coaching Objectives

Focus on improving/developing specific soft skills for each Coachee.

Create a measurable action plan with targets for each Coachee.

To understand each Coachee’s strengths and weaknesses.

Improve efficiency, productivity, and confidence.

Supply Chain and Procurement Coaching Plan: 

First Session (90 min)

Getting acquainted, building trust, and explaining the process with each Coachee. Coach will gather information using the Soft Skills Wheel and complete the New Client Questionnaire. Coachee will rate themselves (1-10) on the eight soft skill components outlined on the wheel.

Second Session (60-90 min)

Continue to build trust and rapport with Coachee. Coach will deliver feed back based on the information gathered in the first session. Discuss developmental targets and the steps to help Coachee achieve their goals in improving their soft skills.

All subsequent sessions will be 60 minutes.

Coach prepares for each session and tracks progress using a measurable coaching template.

Coach will use different techniques and tools to help with development including role playing, case scenarios, tests, etc.

Coach will provide regular on- going development updates to stakeholders.

Brief emails, text and check in support when necessary.


Coach will develop a final assessment to be completed by Coachee and stakeholder.


Procurement Training

Coaching Terms & Process

All sessions will be conducted virtually, confidentially and in a professional manner. 

Coachee’s must attend all sessions on time. If a Coachee is unable to attend a session, prior cancellation/reschedule notice of at least 2 hours must be given to the Coach.